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Thu-29 Jun | 1:30 - 3:30 | MR325
U 14

Session Chair(s): Hong LIU, Shandong University, Mingzhen LIU, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

A-2611 | Invited
Smart and Functional Polymers Based on Pillararenes for Environment

Jonathan POTIER1#+, Solenne RITAINE2, Jérôme CLAVERIE2, Patrice WOISEL1, Kedafi BELKHIR1
1University of Lille, France, 2University of Sherbrooke, Canada

Polymers are increasingly present today in many areas ranging from commodity items to nanotechnology and are produced at over 600M of tons every year. Today, society's desire to make polymers eco-friendlier is driving research into materials that are more recyclable or less toxic but still featuring sufficient mechanical and thermal properties. In this context, supramolecular chemistry is an excellent tool to create smart polymers able to respond to these constraints. Among the usual supramolecular receptors, we are particularly interested in Pillararenes, hydroquinone-based macrocycles extremely rigid and therefore perfectly suited to form materials with interesting mechanical properties. We will show that Pillararenes can be used to form physically cross-linked materials with performances close to those of usual thermosets. In this part, we will valorize hydrocarbon polymers, still little used in the field of high-performance polymers to obtain recyclable materials. Pillararenes will also be used as VOC scavengers in a new generation of plastics or as additives to induce self-healing properties. Finally, we will prove that pillararene-based polymers can increase the efficiency and the recycling of catalysts in aqueous catalysis, an important concept in the field of green chemistry.